Thursday 18 July 2013

Brownies Dates (Brownies Kurma)

Brownies Kurma
It turns out, dates can be processed into a variety of delicious brownies chocolate cake that is not so. Tried the recipe please ^_^


  • 500 gr margarine, melted
  • 450 grams sugar
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • 5 eggs
  • 1 tsp baking powder
  • 300 gr flour
  • 125 gr powder cokleat
  • 400 gr seedless dates, chopped
  • 200 gr peanuts, toasted, chopped

How to Make:

  • Shake the liquid margarine with sugar, salt and eggs until smooth and frothy.
  • Sift flour with cocoa powder and baking powder.
  • Enter the flour mixture into the beaten eggs and stir well.
  • Add dates and nuts. Stir well.
  • Prepare a square baking dish, size 30x30x6 cm. Cover a baking sheet, spread margarine.
  • Pour batter into the pan. Flatten.
  • Baked within the oven temperature to 200 degrees Celsius for 30 minutes until cooked. Remove and let cool.
  • Cut into slices to taste. Serve.


Ternyata, kurma pun bisa diolah menjadi variasi dari kue cokelat brownies yang lezat itu lho. Cobain deh resepnya!

  • 500 gr margarine, lelehkan
  • 450 gr gula pasir
  • 1/2 sdt garam
  • 5 butir telur
  • 1 sdt baking powder
  • 300 gr tepung terigu
  • 125 gr cokleat bubuk
  • 400 gr kurma tanpa biji, cincang
  • 200 gr kacang tanah, sangrai, cincang

Cara Membuat :
  1. Kocok margarine cair bersama gula, garam dan telur hingga rata dan berbuih.
  2. Ayak tepung terigu bersama cokelat bubuk dan baking powder.
  3. Masukkan campuran tepung terigu ke dalam telur kocok, aduk rata.
  4. Tambahkan kurma dan kacang. Aduk rata.
  5. Siapkan loyang persegi empat, ukuran 30x30x6 cm. Alasi kertas roti, oles margarine.
  6. Tuang adonan ke dalam loyang. Ratakan.
  7. Panggang dlm oven bersuhu 200 derajat celcius selama 30 menit hingga matang. Angkat dan dinginkan.
  8. Potong-potong sesuai selera. Sajikan.

Tuesday 16 July 2013

Punch Honey Lemon

Punch Honey Lemon
Lemon and honey is an ideal alloy for added power. With the addition of soda water, in addition to refreshing the body also instantly eliminate hunger.


  •      200 cc of soda water
  •      3 tablespoons honey
  •      2 tablespoons lemon juice squeeze
  •      Ice cubes to taste

How to make:

  •      Put all ingredients into a shaker. Close. Shake it until all the ingredients are well blended.
  •      Pour in a glass, add ice cubes again. Ready to serve.
  •      Give lemon slices for garnish


Lemon dan madu adalah paduan yang cocok buat menambah tenaga. Dengan tambahan air soda, selain menyegarkan tubuh juga menghilangkan dahaga seketika.

  • 200 cc air soda
  • 3 sendok makan madu
  • 2 sendok makan air jeruk lemon peras
  • es batu secukupnya

Cara membuat:
  • Masukkan semua bahan ke dalam shaker. Tutup. Kocok-kocok saja hingga semua bahan tercampur rata.
  • Tuang di gelas, tambahkan es batu lagi. Siap dihidangkan.
  • Beri irisan jeruk lemon untuk hiasan

Tuesday 9 July 2013

pineapple pickle recipe (Resep Acar Nanas)


  • 1 pineapple, peeled, and dispose of his
  • 2 green chilies, sliced ​​oblique
  • 2 pieces of red chili, sliced ​​oblique
  • 1 cm turmeric, crushed
  • 3 pieces of cloves
  • 3 cardamom pods
  • 1 piece exhaust mace
  • 2 tsp sugar
  • salt to taste
  • 200 ml of water
  • 6 pieces of red onion, puree
  • 5 cloves garlic, mashed 

How to make:

1. Small fan-shaped pineapple slices, soak in a solution of salt water, and let stand for 10 minutes. Rinse.
2. Heat oil and saute onion and garlic until fragrant. Add red chili, green chili, turmeric, cloves, and cardamom. Stir-fry about 3 minutes.
3. Enter the pineapple and cook until wilted.
4. Add water, sugar, and salt. Cook while stirring occasionally until the waters recede.
5. Remove and serve.


  • 1 buah nanas, kupas dan buang matanya
  • 2 buah cabai hijau, iris serong
  • 2 buah cabai merah, iris serong
  • 1 cm kunyit, haluskan
  • 3 buah cengkih
  • 3 buah kapulaga
  • 1 buah buang lawang
  • 2 sdt gula pasir
  • Garam secukupnya
  • 200 ml air
  • 6 buah bawang merah, haluskan
  • 5 siung bawang putih, haluskan

Cara membuat:

1. Potong nanas bentuk kipas kecil, rendam dalam larutan air garam, dan diamkan selama 10 menit. Cuci bersih.
2. Panaskan minyak, tumis bawang merah, dan bawang putih sampai harum. Tambahkan cabai merah, cabai hijau, kunyit, cengkih, dan kapulaga. Tumis sekitar 3 menit.
3. Masukkan nanas dan masak sampai layu.
4. Tambahkan air, gula, dan garam. Masak sambil sesekali diaduk sampai air menyusut.
5. Angkat dan sajikan.


Sunday 7 July 2013


Priangan typical drink is fitting presented to the family at this time.


  •      1,000 ml of water
  •      200 grams of brown sugar, fine comb
  •      100 grams of roasted ginger, crushed
  •      5 cm cinnamon
  •      2 pandan leaves
  •      5 grains of cloves
  •      1/2 teaspoon salt

How to Make:

  •      Boil water, pandan leaves, brown sugar, ginger, cinnamon, cloves and salt until boiling and flavorful.
  •      Filter. Serve warm.

Note: For 3 servings


 Minuman khas priangan ini pas disuguhkan untuk keluarga di saat seperti ini.

  • 1.000 ml air
  • 200 gram gula merah, sisir halus
  • 100 gram jahe bakar, memarkan
  • 5 cm kayumanis
  • 2 lembar daun pandan
  • 5 butir cengkeh
  • 1/2 sendok teh garam

Cara Membuat :
  1. Rebus air, daun pandan, gula merah, jahe, kayumanis, cengkeh dan garam sampai mendidih dan beraroma.
  2. Saring. Sajikan hangat.

catatan : Untuk 3 porsi


Thursday 4 July 2013

Double Choco Mint Cookies

Double Choco Mint Cookies
For chocolate lovers, try the first recipe pastry this one ... Will definitely hooked.


  •      150 grams of margarine
  •      100 gr flour sugar
  •      1/4 tsp salt
  •      1 egg yolk
  •      200 gr flour low protein
  •      25g cocoa powder
  •      25 gr cornstarch
  •      25 gr milk powder
  •      1/2 tsp baking powder

Material contents:

  •      150 g white cooking chocolate, cut into pieces
  •      2 tablespoons heavy cream
  •      5 drops of mint essence tsp

  • Beat the margarine, flour sugar and salt for 1 minute. Add egg yolks. Beat well. 
  • Enter the flour, cocoa powder, cornstarch, milk powder, and baking powder in sifter while and stir well. 
  • Milled thick dough 1/2 cm. Print with 3 cm diameter ring. Put on a baking sheet that has been spread with margarine thin. 
  • Bake in oven for 30 minutes at a temperature of 150 degrees Celsius until cooked. 
  • Contents: Melt white cooking chocolate. Enter the heavy cream gradually while in stir until thickened. Add mint essence. Stir well. 
  • Take a cookie sheet that has been cooked. Oles with filling. Pastry cups with others.
  • Dip the entire surface of the pastry in the dark cooking chocolate that has been melted. Decorate according to your taste


Bagi para penggemar coklat, coba dulu resep kue kering yang satu ini... Pasti bakal ketagihan.


  • 150 gr margarine
  • 100 gr tepung gula
  • 1/4 sdt garam
  • 1 kuning telur
  • 200 gr tepung terigu protein rendah
  • 25 gr coklat bubuk
  • 25 gr tepung maizena
  • 25 gr susu bubuk
  • 1/2 sdt baking powder

Bahan isi :
  • 150 gr white cooking chocolate, potong-potong
  • 2 sdm krim kental
  • 5 tetes sdt esens mint

Bahan pencelup :
  • Kocok margarine, tepung gula dan garam selama 1 menit. Tambahkan kuning telur. Kocok rata.
  • Masukkan tepung terigu, cokelat bubuk, tepung maizena, susu bubuk, dan baking powder sambil di ayak dan di aduk rata.
  • Giling adonan setebal 1/2 cm. Cetak dengan ring diameter 3 cm. Letakkan di loyang yg sudah dioles margarine tipis.
  • Panggang dalam oven selama 30 menit dengan suhu 150 derajat celcius sampai matang.
  • Isi : Lelehkan white cooking chocolate. Masukkan krim kental sedikit demi sedikit sambil di aduk sampai kental. Tambahkan esens mint. Aduk rata.
  • Ambil selembar kue kering yang sudah matang. Oles dengan filling. Tangkupkan dengan kue kering yang lain.
  • Celup seluruh permukaan kue kering dalam dark cooking chocolate yang sudah di lelehkan. Hiasi sesuai selera anda.

Tuesday 2 July 2013

Recipe Spicy Stir Fry Green Tomatoes (Oseng Tumis Tomat Hijau Pedas)

  • 10 tomatoes green / orange (not ripe)
  • 1 ounce of green chillies
  • 5 pieces of tempeh wrap small leaves or 1 board tempeh (can be replaced fried anchovies, fish baskets, cob, mushrooms, meatballs, beans etc. adjust inventory Mother fridge :))
  • leaves loncang / onion (optional, no one likes to wear that does not exist)


  • 4 cloves of garlic
  • 5 red onions
  • 1 tablespoon salt
  • 2 tablespoons brown sugar comb (if you want a sweet taste for children can be added)
  • 2 tbsp ebi / rebon
  • 1 bay leaf
  • 1 tablespoon soy sauce

How to Make:

1. Wash thoroughly ingredients and seasonings.
2. Sliced ​​tomatoes, green chilies, and tempe (or a combination of replacement) form according to taste.
3. Sliced ​​garlic and red onion thinly, thinly also leaves loncang / onion.
4. Prepare a frying pan on the stove, turn on the fire, pour about 4 tablespoons oil.
5. Enter the sliced ​​onion and garlic, after smelling fragrant enter ebi / small shrimp and bay leaf, stirring.
6. Enter the tempeh, green chillies then stir, mix green tomatoes as well, and add the soy sauce last loncang leaves.
7.Garam and sugar put into dishes, sip to taste salty, sweet and acidic fitting.
8. If the lift is ripe, ready to be served.


  • 10 buah tomat hijau/jingga (belum matang)
  • 1 ons cabe hijau
  • 5 buah tempe bungkus daun kecil  atau 1 papan tempe ( bisa diganti ikan asin goreng, ikan keranjang, tongkol, jamur, bakso, buncis dll sesuaikan persediaan kulkas Bunda :) )
  • daun loncang/bawang (opsional, ada yang suka pakai  ada yang tidak )


  • 4  siung  bawang putih
  • 5 butir bawang merah
  • 1 sdm garam
  • 2 sdm gula merah sisir ( kalau mau cita rasa manis buat anak-anak bisa ditambahi)
  • 2  sdm ebi/rebon
  • 1 lembar daun salam
  • 1 sdm kecap manis

Cara Membuat:

1. Cuci bahan dan bumbu sampai bersih.
2. Iris tomat, cabe hijau, dan tempe(atau kombinasi pengganti) bentuk sesuai selera.
3. Iris bawang putih dan bawang merah tipis, iris juga daun loncang/bawang.
4. Siapakan wajan di atas kompor, nyalakan api, tuangkan minyak sekitar 4 sdm.
5. Masukkan irisan bawang merah dan bawang putih, setelah berbau harum masukkan ebi/rebon dan daun salam, aduk.
6. Masukkan tempe, kemudian cabe hijau aduk, campurkan pula tomat hijaunya, dan kecap manis terakhir tambahkan daun loncang.
7.Garam dan gula dimasukkan ke masakan, cicipi sampai rasa asin, manis dan asamnya pas.
8. Jika sudah matang angkat, siap dihidangkan.
