I like it cheesy, but not the way the others make it. They just simply mix grated cheese into the batter. My way is, squeezing a melted cheese filling in the center, and a swirl of cheese on top. It brings so much better taste and appearance ;)

175 gr chicken breast fillet, boiled until cooked
150 gr carrot, skinned, small diced
1 small can champignon/button mushroom, drain and chopped
2 cloves garlic, grated or ground
2 tbs milk powder
200-250 ml chicken broth
2 tbs vegetable oil
pepper, nutmeg powder, salt and sugar to taste
4 tbs all purpose flour
125 gr breadcrumb
Coating mixture, beat well for one minute:
150 ml eggwhites
2 tbs corn starch
Cheese mixture:
100 gr cheddar cheese, grated
50-75 ml fresh milk
Using electrical blender, process until smooth
Drain boiled chicken from the broth, cut into small dices.
Heat oil in frying pan, saute grated garlic until fragrant and yellow in colour.
Stir in champignon, carrot and chicken, cook for 2 minutes.
Dissolve milk powder in chicken broth, pour into the frying vegetables. Season with pepper, nutmeg, salt and sugar, bring to a full boil.
Simmering the heat, sprinkle the flour gradually and stirring continuously until thickened.
Turn to medium heat, continue to cook until reaching very thick consistency and easy to form.
Turn off the heat, let it cool.
Divide dough into 4cm sized balls (about 40 grams for each).
Take a half of cheese mixture, put in piping bag. Reserve the other half.
For each dough ball, make a hole and squeeze out the cheese mixture into the hole, close and seal the hole then smooth out by rolling it between palms (do this step using greased palms).
Dip balls into coating mixture then into bread crumb until evenly breaded.
Freeze breaded balls at least for an hour then deep fry until golden brown.
Using piping bag, spread out reserved cheese mixture onto the top of each ball. Serve warm.
Freezed balls can be stored for up to 2 weeks.

175 gr fillet dada ayam, rebus, tiriskan
150 gr wortel kupas
1 klg kecil jamur kancing
2 siung bawang putih, parut
2 sdm susu bubuk
200-250 ml kaldu perebus ayam
3 sdm minyak sayur
Lada, pala, garam, gula secukupnya
4 sdm terigu /secukupnya
Coating, kocok rata 1 menit:
125 gr breadcrumb /secukupnya
150 ml putih telur, kocok lepas dengan 2 sdm maizena
Filling & topping:
100 gr keju cheddar parut
50-60 ml susu cair
Proses dengan blender sampai halus
Dada ayam rebus dan wortel kupas diiris dadu kecil.
Jamur ditiriskan & diperas dikit, cincang kasar.
Larutkan susu bubuk dengan kaldu hangat.
Panasin minyak, tumis bawang putih parut hingga kekuningan.
Masukin jamur, wortel dan ayam. Tumis 2 menit.
Masukkan larutan kaldu+susu, bumbui lada pala garam dan gula, masak hingga mendidih.
Kecilkan api ke simmer, taburkan terigu sedikit2 sambil diaduk rata hingga terigu habis. Masak adonan sampe mengental.
Besarkan api ke medium low, lanjutkan masak hingga pekat, matikan api. Diamkan hingga adonan menjadi dingin.
Bagi adonan menjadi bola2 diameter 4cm.
Ambil setengah bagian adonan keju, masukin piping bag.
Ambil satu bola, buat lubang dan semprotkan adonan keju, rapatkan dan gulung kembali. Kerjakan hingga adonan habis.
Celup bola2 ke kocokan putih telur, gulingkan pada breadcrumb hingga benar2 rata. Kerjakan hingga bola2 habis.
Simpan bola2 berlapis breadcrumb di freezer minimal 1 jam. Deepfry hingga keemasan, tiriskan.
Tunggu sampe uap panasnya berkurang, semprotkan sisa adonan keju diatasnya, sajikan hangat.
Bitterballs bisa bertahan dua minggu dalam kondisi beku di friser. Simpan bertumpuk di wadah tertutup rapat, beri slembar plastik di tiap lapis agar tidak lengket dan merusak bentuk.