250 gr prawns, headed
2 tsp lemon juice
1/3 tsp salt
75 ml vegetable oil
3 cloves garlic, thinly sliced or finely chopped
1 medium onion, sliced roughly
5 stalks spring onion, cut into 5cm length
Sauces, mix thoroughly:
2 tsp light soy sauce
1.5 tbs teriyaki sauce
1.5 tbs oyster sauce
2 tsp worcestershire sauce (optional)
50 ml water
Marinate prawns with salt and lemon juice, let it stand for 5 minutes.
Heat oil in frying pan, fry marinated prawns just until cooked, do not overcooked, set aside.
Add chopped garlic to the remaining oil in the pan, saute over medium heat until golden in colour.
Pour in mixed sauces, turn the heat to high, let it come to a full boil.
Stir in fried prawns and sliced onion, saute for half minutes.
Add in spring onion, continue to stir for another half minutes.
Remove from heat, serve immediately.
If possible try to cook the prawns with the shell intact, this will bring a stronger and tastier flavour with extra moisture to the flesh added from the shell.
Serve with potatoes and braised vegetables.

250 gr udang jerbung segar, buang kulit kepalanya
2 sdt air jeruk
1/3 sdt garam
75 ml minyak sayur
3 siung bawang putih, irs tipis
1 buah bawang bombay ukuran sedang, iris kasar membujur
5 tangkai daun bawang (spring onion), potong 5cm
Saus, aduk jadi satu:
2 sdt light soy sauce (pake kecap asin boleh)
1.5 sdm saus teriyaki
1.5 sdm saus tiram
2 sdt kecap inggris
50 ml air matang
Aduk udang, air jeruk dan garam, diamkan 5 menit.
Panasin minyak sayur, masukin udang, masak sampe sekedar matang ajah jangan terlalu kering.
Tiriskan udang, masukkan bawang merah dan bawang putih ke wajan yang masih panas.
Tumis dengan api medium high sampe bawang berwarna kuning, tuangi campuran saus, biarkan berbuih.
Masukin udang, aduk rata setengah menit.
Masukin daun bawang, aduk setengah menit lagi.
Matiin api, sajikan segera.
Biarkan udang tanpa dikupas, aroma dan rasanya akan lebih kaya dan dagingnya lebih lembut daripada bila dikupas.
Penyajian gaya oriental pake tumis sayuran (pokchoy, kailan, kangkung)
Penyajian gaya jawa pake kuluban dan sambal terasi.
Penyajian gaya continental pake potongan kentang rebus yang ditumis dengan garlic butter & peterseli plus rebusan mixed vegetables.